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Gift Guide: Mother's Day 2020

This year Mother's Day is a little different. No one can treat Mom to a special day without having to think of social restrictions or guidelines and that sucks! Flowers and cards are nice, but what gift can possibly repay her for all the boo-boos she’s kissed and all the times she’s been there when you needed someone? So I've come up with a few ideas to help show your appreciation to the special lady in your life.

  1. A comfy sleepwear set

  2. An edible arrangement

  3. Shower steamers (Like bath bombs but just for the shower!)

  4. Redecorate a room in her house

  5. Foot care kit

  6. Virtual Wine tasting

  7. Run her errands

  8. A picnic basket with all her favorite snacks and drinks

  9. Springtime Smudge stick

  10. Breakfast in bed

  11. E- Gift card to her favorite store

  12. Anything on

  13. Old school Polaroid camera

  14. Air Fryer

  15. Personalized Wall Art

  16. Gift certificate for a beauty service after quarantine is over (i.e Eyelash Extensions by your favorite lash artist, Me! Click Here)

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