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#LashTipTuesday: Fall Shedding

They call it fall for reason. Leaves fall from trees. Clocks fall back an hour. You might even notice that your lashes seem to be shedding a bit more than usual and it’s perfectly normal.

All of your lashes are in different stages of their 60- to 90-day growth cycle. There are baby lashes just appearing and growing (the Anagen phase lasting 15 to 20 days), “teenage” lashes (transitional Catagen phase lasting 14 to 21 days), and mature lashes (the resting Telogen phase lasting 30 to 45 days). In fall and winter, the length of the cycle can shift (no one knows why), and lashes may shed more frequently.

Everything starts closer to the end of the summer (End of September). During this time, intense heat may trigger more lash hairs to go into the resting phase, stopping growth, and causing them to fall out over the next month or two. Also when temperature and humidity start to drop in the Fall, if your skin is dry, your hair follicles (located just below the skin) aren’t being as nourished well. Translation: their growth is affected and they can become brittle. Result: they fall out before their time is up.

Here are a few ways to help your lashes stay full throughout the fall and upcoming winter months:

- Invest in a really good lash growth serum to help them stay nourished.

GrandLASH- MD Lash Enhancing Serum is a good one. View Here

- Take Vitamin D. Known to keep bones and skin healthy, in recent years, it’s also been linked to boosting hair growth.

- Don’t wait three weeks for refill. Come in sooner. Heavier shedding means more frequent fills.

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