Parasites found inside pores and hair follicles that cause infection and inflammation. These are commonly called eye mites and as you have already probably guessed, avoid applying lash extensions until the parasites are gone. If you have a client who comes in with this, it is essential to disinfect everything in your salon. These nasty eyelash mites can spread fast!
Allergic Conjuctivitis
When eyes are exposed to allergens, they can become watery, red and itchy. Allergens can come from pets, pollen, dust, mold and more. It’s completely dependent on the client and their sensitivity. If your client has an allergic reaction, their eyes will be sensitive to everything, including things they aren’t usually sensitive to. Exposing their eyes to a foreign substance, such as eyelash extension products, most likely will enhance their allergy symptoms. It’s better to be safe than sorry and just wait for their allergy symptoms to subside.
This is an infection that inflames the conjunctiva of the eye, which can cause the eye to turn pink or in some cases red. Commonly known as pink eye. This infection is easily spread, so avoid applying lashes! Yes, we can disinfect, but why risk it?! The last thing we as lash artist’s want to do is spread pink eye.