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#LashTipTuesday: Protect your lashes this summer

Summer is HERE and I know you're all packed and ready for your vacation, but one thing is kind of lurking in the back of your mind: how do I take care of my eyelash extensions while on vacay? Is there anything different I need to do to care for them during this time?


I recommend that you wait the full 48 hours before going to the beach, especially if you want to swim in the ocean. I highly suggest avoiding heavy water contact on your lashes during that period. A light mist and some splashing is fine, but avoid completely dunking your head into the water. You can wear goggles to protect your eyelash extensions. Also, be sure to avoid humid conditions meaning saunas and steam rooms are out of the question as they can cause the adhesive to melt. Keep in mind that the wind tends to pick up sand that could irritate your eyes and cause you to rub your new lash extensions – which is an absolute no no! So take every precaution during the first 48 hours that you get your lashes.


The same precautions that apply to the beach also apply to the pool. If you can avoid getting them wet within the first 48 hours, I suggest that you do so. Don’t let chlorine sit on your lashes. Rinse them thoroughly because the chemicals may damage the adhesive on your lash extensions.


You can absolutely still use sunscreen, but apply it carefully. If you are using the sunscreen spray , avoid directly spraying onto your face. Use your fingers to apply sunscreen and be careful to avoid your lashes. Using an oil-free sunscreen will help to keep chemical exposure at a minimum.


Be careful when drying off with a towel, not to rub your entire face with it. Be sure to always pat your lashes dry whenever they come into contact with water.

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